In March of 2022, St; Paul Lutheran Ministries hosted the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation (WELSSA) team. This accrediting organization is also recognized by the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA).
While on our campus, the five member team compared our educational ministry to 241 different standards characteristic of a high performing school. We received 239 out of 241, for a final score of 98%. This resulted in St. Paul Lutheran Elementary being given renewed status for our school accreditation for the next 6 years. We want to thank the visitation team of Mike Henning (Good Shepherd, West Allis, captain), Kyle Bender (Immanuel, Greenville), Jarrod Pfarr (St. Peter, Appleton), Jacob Steinmetz (Shepherd of the Valley, Menasha), and Ashley Stege (Teacher Coach at the Center for Urban Teaching, Milwaukee) for their work on our behalf. Also, we want to thank the faculty, staff, students, and members of St. Paul Lutheran Ministries for all of their hard work and dedication to making disciples of all nations and teaching them to obey all that Christ has commanded (Matthew 28:19-20). We will now look to improve our ministries even more with a 6-year School Improvement Plan. To God be the glory!